CFI - Certified Flight Instructor
DPE - Designated Pilot Examiner
SPE - Sport Pilot Examiner
SPIE - Sport Pilot Instructor Examiner
A&P - Airframe & Powerplant mechanic
Rotax cert. - Certified Rotax mechanic
Maine Powerchute Association
Contact List
Robin ParadisPerham, ME 207-455-4711
Gary LavawayPresque Isle, ME 207-409-1687
John Gobel Gorham, ME 207-852-7300CFI, DPE, SPE, SPIE
Herb & Bonnie Micue Warren, ME 207-273-2016
Jeff Heacock Standish, ME 207-310-8572
Scott Royal Richmond, ME 207-522-8020 A&P, Rotax cert.
Steve Goulet Greene, ME 207-754-7940
Mike Therieault Minot, ME 207-212-8504
Selected Current Members 2022
Ray Godbout Gorham, NH 603-466-5203
Mike Keene Bar Harbor, ME 207-266-3114
Kevin Oliveira Monmouth, ME 207-933-2014
David Smith Gorham, ME 207-839-2227
Don Warren Casco, ME 207-310-8318
Mike Caruso Windham, ME 207-653-2543
The following MPA members have indicated that they would gladly speak with anyone interested in getting more details about our sport and our activities. Feel free to contact them either telephonically or via email. (This is NOT a complete list of MPA members)
Randy Autrey Bethel, ME207-381-0202 CFI
But remember our motto: "If we don't know the answer, we'll make something up!"
George Dumond Ft. Kent, ME 207-231-2286