Bingham at Doug's
Exit off I-95 at exit 36 for Rt 201
Turn onto RT 201 to Skowhegan
Head North on 201 to Solon
Two miles North of Solon on Rt 201 look for a little Rest Area turn out called "Arnold's Trail".
As soon as you turn into the first entrance of the little rest area look to your right. You'll see what looks like a dirt drive way. Head up that dirt road.
A few hundred yards up the dirt road you'll see a dirt drive on the left going up a steep grade. That is Doug's drive way.
Top of the drive is the lodge and field.
Directions to Events
(almost alphabetically)
Williams Field - Hampden (Jeremy & Sheila - owners)
From I-95 South or North
Exit 174, go South on Route 69 to the junction of Rt 9. and US 2. Continue on 69 for slightly over 1 mile, house is on left.
Going North from Winterport on Rt 69
At the junction of 69 & the Kennebec Road, continue on RT 69 for about 1 mile. You will cross a bridge over stream. The airfield is about 1/4 mile from the stream on the right.
Address is 1334 CARMEL RD N, Hampden, ME 04444. There are red balls on the powerline on the West side of the road. You will see a Cessna Skyhawk and a Cessna 150 in the field.
DeBlois Airstrip
From the South
Off of 95 take the I-395 interchange. Follow exit signs to RT 1 Ellsworth. Off the exit bear right onto RT 1 and follow for several miles to the intersection of RT 1 & Rt 46. At the light take a left onto RT 46.
Follow to stop sign and take Right onto RT 9. Follow RT 9 for about 45 miles.
Look for the Airline Snack Bar Restaurant. Just past it take a Right onto Rt 193. Follow 193 out for about 6-7 miles and airstrip will be on your right. Take the second entrance into the airstrip. If you see a Blueberry Factory on your left you just went by the airstrip.
At the airstrip, look carefully and cross the end of the airstrip. Follow the narrow dirt road down to the gravel pit where we camp out.
Also as you enter the airstrip close all your windows. There will be thousands of bees up on the airstrip near the bee hives. They will not be down at the gravel pit.
Perham at Robin & Darlene's
From the South:
1-95, take the Oakfield Exit # 286 (formerly #60)
Take a left to connect to Rte 212 West to Knowles Corner/Route 11 (12 miles)
Turn right onto Rte 11, go 31 miles to Ashland
In Ashland take Rte 227 right, 15 miles to Castle Hill Road (sign will say Washburn
(3 miles to Washburn)
Turn left onto 164 and then take a left onto Rte 228 for 5 miles to Perham. Signs will be up for Mouse Island Rd.
From Houlton,
RT 1 N to Presque Isle, go straight thru Main Street, the Mall will be on your right.
Cross bridge and turn left onto RT 164 to Washburn ( About 11 miles)
Turn left in Washburn onto Rt 228 to Perham (about 5 miles)
In Perham, Baptist Church will be on your right, Post Office on left, go straight onto Mouse Island Road. ( RT 228 takes a hard right). Runway a few miles up Mouse Island Rd,
From I-95 take exit 39 Newport.
Off the highway take RT 2 West through Skowhegan and into Norridgewock.
Go into town, then right turn on Airport Road.
Will be lots of signs for Fly-In.
Knox County Airport:
From the North: Go S on RT 1 into Rockland. Follow one way Union Street to Route 1 North (Park St). Turn left ( Ride Aid is on your right) and proceed 1/2 block to Rt 73 (South Main St) and turn right. Travel app. 1 mile to North Shore Rd, follow airport signs & turn left, then immediately right toward airport.
Continue straight past airport entrance, bear right & proceed to Dublin Rd. Turn right & continue 1/8 mile to the entrance on the right. Clubhouse is straight ahead.
From the West. Follow Rt 17 E out of Augusta and head to Rockland. At RT 1 (Dunkin Donuts on left) proceed to the right and follow above.
From the South--Travel Rt 1 North to Rockland. At Main St (route 73 by Rite Aid, turn right and follow above.
Bowman Fly-In
From the North & East
!-95 South to Augusta Exit 30. West to Winthrop on RT 202. In Winthrop, right onto RT 133 / 41. Stay on 133 to East Livermore. Signs to Bowman field on left 10-12 miles past Winthrop.
From the South & West:
Rt 95 to Lewiston/Auburn Exit 12 (new number is 75). Rt 4 North to Livermore Falls, right onto Rt 133. Signs to Bowman on right 5-6 miles from Livermore Falls.
Twitchell's Field near Lewiston
1. From Augusta ME on Grove st go towards Hichborn St
2. Turn R on Chapel Street
3. Turn L on Western Ave and go 5.1 miles
4. Continue on US 202 2.4 miles
5. Continue on US 202 West for 22 miles
6. Continue on Main St, Main St becomes Court St
7. Turn R on Center St and go 3.2 miles
8. Continue on Turner Rd for 3 miles
9. Turner Rd becomes Auburn Rd,
10. Turn R on Airport Rd,
11. Look for 44 Airport Rd Turner
Eastport Airport
From the South- I-95 to I-395 East in Bangor. Follow signs for Ellsworth. Exit I-395 towards Ellsworth. This will be RT 1A East. In Ellsworth go thru town (stay in left lane) and take left onto RT 1 East across from McDonalds.
Stay on Rt 1 East for about 85 miles. Will come to the Town of Pembroke, then Perry. In Perry look for RT 190 Pleasant Point Reservation / Eastport. Take a Right onto Rt 190 ( DO NOT SPEED THRU RESERVATION) . Eastport Airport will be about 6 miles in on Rt 190 on the right. Blue Airport sign by road.
From the North--Rt 1 South thru Calais, Robbinston, then Perry. Look for Rt 190 Pleasant Point, will be a left turn. Then as above.
Presque Isle (Cyr Field)
Drive into Presque Isle and turn Right at the 3rd traffic light ( State Street)
Go straight up hill for 2 miles until you come to # 470 State St. (Number on mail box on Right.)
Go up long drive, around shop, and up hill to field.
Back way to Presque Isle fly-in provided by Gary Lavaway
Go thru City on Maine street until you come to a Marden's Store on the left.
Turn right at the light onto RT 167 just after Pizza Hut.
Go about 2 miles until you see State Street Extension on the right.
Turn right. You'll come to Paul Cyr's # 470 State Street.
Big brown house, garage and nice lawns.
Wayne's Field from the North or South
1. I-95 to exit 133 ( Rt 201 )
2. Go North on 201 for about 6 miles
3. Take a left on Rt 23
4. Wayne's field is immediately on the left
Gorham Municipal Airport (Gorham, NH)
The airport is right off the main drag going through Gorham, NH - a sign points to it from the road.
From Central, Northern, and Eastern Maine -
- think about whether you really like these MPA guys enough to make this trip
- pick up Rt. 2 somewhere around Augusta or Waterville
- stay on Rt. 2 all the way through Bethel and into Gorham, NH (about 25 miles from Bethel)
- as you go into town, you'll see a sign to the airport (A/P is on your left)
From Southern Maine -
- pick up Rt. 302, and follow that into North Conway
- stay on that through N. Conway until it splits into Rt. 16
- stay on Rt. 16 all the way into Gorham - see above from there
Lili's Field - West Appleton
1. Take a deep breath.
2. Accept the fact that you'll get lost (but will eventually find it)
3. Here's the address. See if your GPS is smart enough. If it is, it'll take the pressure off you.
2372 West Appleton Rd, West Appleton, ME
4. From Rt. 17 (Augusta, etc)
-- In Union, take Rt. 131 towards Appleton. Go 6.8 miles and look for West Appleton Rd - it's a slight left off the main road.
-- Go .8 miles until you come to a 4 way intersection. Go straight across.
-- Go 3.6 miles and look for golf course - just past the golf course is the house (#2372) on the left. It has two driveways - take the second one and stay to the right side of the dumpster. Exhale. You made it.
5. From Rt. 3
-- Take Rt. 131 South. Go 4.0 miles to Rt. 173 - WEST, NOT east, which will be your first contact with 173.
-- Go on 173 for 3.0 miles, and make a left turn onto West Appleton Rd. (just past Evergreen Valley Farm on your right)
-- Go .8 miles, and look for gravel driveway on your right - stay right of the dumpster. Exhale. You made it.

Bowdoinham (Merrymeeting field)
From the North & South
!-295 (North or South) to Bowdoinham Exit 37 - turn towards Bowdoinham. Follow Rt. 125 N for about a mile. Get on to Rt. 24 S - airfield will be on your left in less than a mile.
Park on the gravel if the grass next to the gravel is wet. Make sure you don't park so you're in the way of air traffic - it's a grass field.
Grennel Field (Ed Grennel owner)
Field is located on Atlantic Hwy in Warren, ME, just a few hundred yards from the intersection of Rt. 90 and Rt. 1.
Going north on Rt. 1 - just after the intersection of Rt. 90, look to your right for a big water tower behind a big house - look carefully as it is hard to see.
If you get to Ande's gas station and store on your left, you've gone too far by about a quarter mile - turn around and try again!
Coming on Rt. 90, go left when Rt. 90 runs into Rt. 1, and follow above directions.
Going south on Rt. 1, it will be on you left right after you pass Ande's gas station and store. If you see the intersection of Rt. 90 and Rt. 1, you've gone too far by just a few hundred yards. Turn around!

Patten (Craig Morse's field)
The airfield is right on Rt. 11, just slightly north of the main part of town on the right side.
From I-95 going north, take exit 264, going west on 158 to Rt. 11 north.
Stay on Rt. 11 into Patten (about 9 miles) , then look on the right for the airfield.
From the north, go on I-95 and take exit 276, then go on Rt. 159 west until it runs into Rt. 11. Go north on 11 for a mile or so - airfield on the right.
Ft. Kent (Municipal Airport)
Address is 198 Airport Rd, Ft. Kent, ME.
Look for Strip Rd - airport Rd. is just off that.